AIDA and AIDAL – effective methods of writing advertising copy


AIDA is an acronym of:

  1. Attention
  2. Interest
  3. Desire
  4. Action

Its extended version is AIDAL:

  1. Loyalty

The secrets of writing effective copy:

1. Attention

A product, advertisement or article must draw attention.

When it comes to articles, one of the decisive factors is the title.

It is easy to understand why a newspaper titled “Facts” would sell well. Sensational headlines, tragic stories and controversial topics draw crowds of readers.

The first few seconds, during which you “scan” a newspaper or a website,
are decisive. pliki/media/obrazki/quote.png

I noticed that whenever I visit intriguing titles draw me towards articles which then prove poor in quality.

I use statistics to analyze the popularity of my articles among readers. The web portal titled WirtualneMedia, published three of my articles, of which "Prawo zwrotu. Zakupy w Internecie"  [The right to return goods. Online shopping] (which can also be found on my blog) was the most popular. About 940 people read the article within three days. It is the headline that shows the consumer that the article provides information relevant to them.

Of course, attention may be drawn by the author’s name itself. I publish selected articles from my blog on together with such known figures as Maciej Orlos, Monika Luft and the editor-in-chief of Polsat.

When I visited that website for the first time, my attention was drawn to the blog run by Mr. Orlos from “Teleexpress”.

2. Interest

a) My method of raising interest among the readers is to use bold font to highlight key information. Thus, the reader who is not willing to read the entire article can skim through it and get the gist quickly and easily.

b) Of course, the content is the most important. A post, an article or an offer placed on a website should begin with an interesting story or a practical example. Studies show that people like to read various intriguing stories.

c) Key information should be put at the beginning or at the end of the article.

We usually read the first and last paragraph.

Experts on influence, persuasion and e-marketing use PS as an effective marketing tool.pliki/media/obrazki/quote.png

A PS (PostScript or Powerful Seller, if you will) can contain vital information.

You can also use it in marketing offers.

Here is an example of using PS in an offer:

PS. You can buy this product at X

PS. To find similar articles, go to X

d) When you near the climax or punch line of an interesting story, you can use a turning point to start writing about the proper subject. An intrigued reader who wants to learn what happens next will continue to read our offer to see how it ends.

e) I do not know about you, but I appreciate articles with a sense of humor and true stories (author’s own experiences, examples of practical application of a given advice or advertised product, etc.).

f) The clarity of expression and highlighting (using bold font) important information facilitates reading and raises interest.

g) To make the content more interesting, you should use questions and unfinished sentences.

h) Quotations influence the credibility of your copy.
If you claim that your product is effective, include some comments from satisfied customers.

i) When writing an offer, keep it simple and use short sentences. It facilitates reading and makes the copy more dynamic.

j) Separate long paragraphs with headers.

k) See what experts do in terms of the form to keep the reader interested.
See what articles look like in newspapers such as “Gazeta Wyborcza” or “Fakt”.

To improve your message, you should influence both hemispheres of your potential customer or business partner.pliki/media/obrazki/quote.png

You should know which hemisphere is better developed when it comes to your potential customers. In the case of a painter or an artist, the right hemisphere is probably more developed so you should communicate with them through images and vivid language.

When interacting with a financier, you should focus on numbers and precise examples and analyses, as that person's better developed hemisphere is undoubtedly the left (analytical) one.

Studies show that combining graphics and text helps remember information and has a positive impact on creativity.

3. Desire

When writing an advertising offer, make sure it includes benefits for your customer. Or perhaps you can create customer’s needs yourself? The hard thing to do is to convince the customer that they desire a given product. Write about the benefits (preferably supported by examples) of using that product.

When writing your offer, think about the factors that influence your potential customer’s decisions.
Some customers are attracted by limited editions, while others appreciate added value (bonuses, discounts, consulting).

Specifying a time limit for your promotional offer or product availability may motivate your customer. The fact that a given special offer is a one-time opportunity may stimulate your customer to make the purchase.

4. Action

Your offer should include a call to the most desired action: to buy a product, visit another website, subscribe to a newsletter (or a mailing list), submit an inquiry.

It is surprising how few sellers
call customers to action..pliki/media/obrazki/quote.png

Your offer or leaflet should always include a call to action.
One example is:
Come to our store at ... street
Examples of calls to action on websites:
Buy now
Subscribe to a free e-mail course
Click here
Download a sample

5. Loyalty

a) Affiliate programs, loyalty cards, discounts on other products and free gifts with next purchase make your customer return to you.
Do whatever you can to gain a regular customer. Finding and acquiring new customers is much more expensive and time-consuming.
Make your customer feel like a very important person.
If they chose you, do everything to make them a regular customer and keep them from choosing the competition.

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