Dedicated applications
We have designed advanced solutions that effectively facilitate business processes or website functioning. We make our customers feel secure by testing and optimizing every application in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.
Solutions adjusted to your needs
Dedicated applications allow you to improve the functionality and effectiveness of both business processes and your website. Based on our experience and knowledge, we develop applications that automate even long and complex processes. We use the latest technologies and solutions available in the market. The solutions we suggest are adjusted to your requirements and the specificity of your business. Taking our customers' high expectations into consideration, we pay a lot of attention to the quality and duration of the projects we complete.
Examples of dedicated applications
- Helpdesk management
- Affiliate programs
- Automated order completion for online stores
- Database and notification management through extensive contact forms
- Automated handling of applications submitted online
- Online polls with an administration panel
- Applications that require logging in
- Extranet and intranet
- Blog platforms
- Online competitions
Migomedia interactive agency organized two separate online polls: one for the internet users, and one for the jury of the 'ZPORRe zmiany w regionach' [Integrated Regional Development Operational Programs change the regions] photo contest, ordered by the Department of Coordination and Implementation of Regional Programs at the Ministry of Regional Development. We recommend this company as an efficient website designer and a reliable interactive agency.